Our Story

Hey there! I’m John Williams, the founder of Woven Faith. Our team is on a mission to share purpose, hope, and love for Christ in a world that is in need of Jesus. In the later part of 2019, as I just finished up college in Springfield, Mo. and was getting ready to move to Charlotte, NC. God put it on my heart to start a faith-based business. When he asked me to point others to him, it all clicked.  I had somewhat struggled in sharing my faith, but I truly felt that God was pushing me to step out, lean on him and go for it. I knew that it wasn’t just me that struggled with this, so I had no doubt that this could help many people.

How Woven Faith Got It’s Name

Messages of faith and inspiration are not only woven and integrated into our clothing, but we are called to have a woven-like relationship with God, and our savior Jesus Christ as we go through life. Our relationship with him is all interconnected. Everything around us and in us is part of a great inter-woven tapestry of God’s plan and goodness.  
Our messages seek to inspire your journey, to remind you subtly of what is most important in life… but also for others who see them. In any moment, a message can stir a soul to change, and choose a new direction. A simple “HEY I LOVE YOUR SHIRT” can turn into a life changing experience. 

Woven Faith, we value a lasting message using quality and creativity in our designs. Our quality standards are as high as the messages we offer. 
While we are aiming high spiritually, we have another important purpose.  A portion of every purchase is donated to multiple adoption agencies and programs around the world. 
I am so grateful for your support. I couldn’t be more excited to watch this seed continue to grow alongside every one of you.
John Williams
Founder of Woven Faith
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV